Does Your Mattress Have Your Back?


Is your mattress healthy?


Do you know you could be having more pain than you need to have if your mattress is old (9 years or more)? This is of course depending on the mattress. Some high end mattresses are promising longer life.

But. . .

Do you have pain waking up in the morning that you never had before?

I personally started having back aching in the AM that was getting worse. . . and I knew my mattress was the problem. How did I know? I knew because when I travelled (this was when life was NORMAL, pre-Covid) my back was good in the mornings.

So it wasn’t difficult to figure out.

If you are suspecting your mattress is causing you back problems, try sleeping somewhere else.

So when I did buy another mattress I just figured “problem solved.”
But I switched to a memory foam mattress and it was not good for me EITHER.

So my lesson learned that I am passing on to you is make sure you have a return option for your mattress.
It will take time to adjust to a new mattress so to be fair give it 1 to 2 months if possible.
They all feel good in the store.

Good sleep is priceless. And it is so needed to help refresh our brains and rest of our bodies!

For more great information, exercises and tips and a step-by-step approach to your pain:

Get your copy NOW—-  “Sacroiliac Pain, understanding the Pelvic Girdle Musculoskeletal Method“ now at, OR  

Get your copy NOW —-"Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy and Postpartum" 2020 at or

Deborah B. Riczo, PT, DPT, MEd Confidential Property of Deborah B. Riczo ©2020 Riczo Health Education. Not to be duplicated in any way without express consent of Deborah B. Riczo.