Sacroiliac Pain, what does it look like?


Sacroiliac Pain is a type of Low back pain

Sacroiliac pain, sacral pain, sacroiliac dysfunction, SIJ pain, SI pain . . . these are all terms used to describe pain that is usually on one side of your body around your sacrum.  Unlike good old fashioned “low back” pain, this pain can change sides.  It can be in your buttock, hip and down the back of your thigh or even lower leg.  The pain can range from a dull ache to sharp and excruciating. You can also wake up and have a really good day . . . or a REALLY bad day.

Sacroiliac Pain can be debilitating

Not knowing whether you are going to have a good or bad day can make sacroiliac pain debilitating.   How do you plan your life when you do not know if you are going to have pain?  Can you host a birthday party, do a grocery shopping trip or even do your laundry on a particular day?  Will you “pay for it” the next day? By doing less than your “normal” you become weaker or debilitated.  All of this can cause a great deal of anxiety, fear and even depression.  Everyone handles stress differently.  Unfortunately this kind of stress can even affect your relationships as you may become more irritable and intolerant of things that would not have bothered you in the past.

Sacroiliac Pain can affect the way you move and what you can do

Simple things like getting up from a chair, climbing stairs and driving can be difficult.  Even sitting (without shifting to one side of your buttock) can be painful.  You may also find it painful to roll in bed, position yourself while lying down or to lie flat in bed.

What can you do about Sacroiliac Pain?

Of course you should see your doctor or physical therapist first. (Now in the United States you can see your physical therapist without a doctor referral, just be sure your insurance company will cover your costs if you do not see the doctor first).   Confirm your diagnosis and discuss his/her recommendations.  Be aware that the diagnosis of sacroiliac pain can often be missed, and if diagnosed there are many different approaches to treating it, ranging from pain medications, physical therapy, chiropracty, sacroiliac joint injection and surgery (involves using hardware to stabilize the joint).  Be wary of any opiod prescriptions for pain as this, as I am sure you are aware, can lead to addiction.

Conservative and holistic approach to sacroiliac pain

I have been a practicing physical therapist for over 40 years and have my doctorate degree in physical therapy and masters in education.   I developed a specific method to approach sacroiliac pain which I have been teaching to physical therapists across the country and students in doctor of physical therapy programs since 2011.  This entire approach is now available in a concise self-help book that you can use on your own or with the guidance of your physical therapist.

For a further description of the book

Order your copy of “Sacroiliac Pain, understanding the Pelvic Girdle Musculoskeletal MethodSM“now at, OR  (Prime free shipping is available under other sellers).


Deborah B. Riczo, PT, DPT, MEd Confidential Property of Deborah B. Riczo ©2020 Riczo Health Education. Not to be duplicated in any way without express consent of Deborah B. Riczo